Iranian activist Masih Alinejad

Anti-Hijab Activist Suggests Ways Biden Can Help Iranian Protesters

Friday, 10/14/2022

Iranian activist Masih Alinejad has written to US President Joe Biden urging him to isolate the Iranian regime, while empowering the Iranian people to fulfill their democratic aspirations.

In a letter Thursday, she also submitted 13 recommendations for the Biden administration to reorient US policy towards listening to the demands of the Iranian people, not their oppressive government.

“Decades of repression under reformist, pragmatic, and conservative presidents have made life there unbearable,” she said, adding that “The problems of the regime stem from its revolutionary ideology, ossified leadership, antisemitism, and a structural anti-woman mindset.”

Describing the Islamic Republic as “a radical cause, not an ordinary country," she said, “Iran’s Supreme Leader has consistently prioritized the welfare of his terror proxies over his own people.”

She also called on the US government and its allies in the E3 (the United Kingdom, France, and Germany) to halt nuclear negotiations with the Islamic Republic while it is suppressing protests and throttling the internet.

Alinejad also urged the US to introduce human rights as a condition of continuing nuclear negotiations, emphasizing that Washington should refuse to greenlight release of Tehran’s frozen funds in foreign banks, “conditioning doing so on tangible improvement of the human rights situation.”

She called for the establishment of an independent UN investigative mechanism to hold Iranian leaders and security forces accountable, noting that the Islamic Republic “is incapable of mounting independent investigations on its own" as it has been the case for the downing of the Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752 in 2020.

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