Protests in the city of Arak for a young man killed in the custody of IRGC. October 29, 2022

Coverage Of Protests In Iran On Saturday - Crackdown

Saturday, 10/29/2022

Protests in Iran are turning into a daily defiance of the clerical regime as some of its top officials demand a bloody crackdown on what they say is an enemy plot.

All signs on Saturday pointed to an escalation by government forces who have started to fire assault rifles and there is one picture evidence of snipers deployed.

Friday was supposed to be a “normal” day when no protests were announced by the anonymous group, Youth of Tehran Neighborhoods, which has routinely called for demonstrations on Saturdays and Wednesdays throughout October.

But apparently young people, university students and an increasing number of middle aged and older Iranians feel there is no need for an announcement as they come out during the day and night to defy the stretched-out security forces who must be always everywhere. Protests were reported in 15 cities across the country.

As the unrest intensified, the chief commander of the Revolutionary Guard, Hossein Salami in a Saturday speech announced that it is the last day of protests, and no demonstrations will be allowed to happen on Sunday. This is easier said than done without use of military firepower that could result in hundreds and perhaps thousands of civilian deaths.

It is not just the capital Tehran or a disgruntled outlying province where a protest may flare up. It could be on any university campus or city where a protester was killed 40 days ago and residents according to Iranian tradition come out to pay their respects.

These always turn into new antigovernment demonstrations with chances that more people might be shot by security forces and create another martyr for the next round of protests. It was the same scenario in 1978 when protests were gaining traction against the monarchy.

Saturday began with university protests and more mourning gatherings in the streets as the chief commander of the IRGC sounded another warning that the regime will not tolerate “foreign plots” to destabilize the country. This has become a new straw to grab for the embattled regime, as it feels the need to use more brutal force against protesters.

In the evening, the situation in the University of Tehran and Mashhad became dangerous for students as government forces encircled that campuses and seemed ready to storm the dormitories.

Almost a similar situation existed in 1999, when security forces stormed Tehran University after midnight and killed several students, in some cases throwing them out from upper floors of the dormitories.

Below, we provided coverage of events on Saturday, October 29, 2022. Our coverage ended at 01:00 on Sunday.



In this video from Yazd the commander of a security forces' unit is yelling at his troops that "People beat you up like chickens." The voice of the person filming says, "This is the end of them."


In the religious city Mashhad, people heard cries for help from inside the university and broke down the gate to rescue students under attack by regime forces, but they began firing at the people to pin them down near the gate. The video below is a small glimpse into the developing standoff.

A protester pouring flammable liquid on a large garbage can to block the street to prevent the movement of security forces.


A national student organization tweeted Saturday evening that plainclothes agents have entered the campus of Tehran University and fired shotguns at students. The concern is that after midnight regime forces will assault the students with full force.

One person tweeting from inside the school said that security forces "filled three vans" with students and took them away. They were firing guns but still some students "were resisting".

There are reports of attacks on university dormitories in Esfahan, Qazvin and Arak Saturday night.

In the video below, Tehran students chant "Liberty, liberty."


Security forces firing military weapons in Kuhdasht, Lorestan Province in another sign of escalation by government forces.


Protesters in the northern city of Astara chanting, "This year is the year of blood, Seyyed Ali will be gone," referring to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.


In this video security forces are firing assault rifles at protesters in Marivan, western Iran. Clearly, the government has unleashed military weapons against unarmed protesters.

The same use of military weapons can be seen in this video from the Kurdish town of Saqqez, the hometown of Mahsa Amini who died in police custody in September. Her brutal killing triggered the six-week-old protests.


A tweet by an Iranian human rights group with presence on the ground says security forces have closed off a street near Tehran University's campus and asks people to march to the area to prevent violence against students.


A man, Aref Gholampur, was shot dead in a district of Rasht in northern Iran. Here is a scene of protests in the district Saturday evening.


Students in Mashhad's Azad University are under siege by security forces, this tweet says. "Their lives are in danger."


As darkness fell, the usual evening and night time protests began in various cities and town. This video shows Piranshahr.


Saturday evening October 29 in Bukan. Regime forces setting fire to the homes of people in an act of escalation.


In a serious escalation IRGC snipers are placed on buildings to shoot protesters after chief commander Hossein Salami warned that protests should end. This photo was taken Saturday in Karaj, 20 miles west of Tehran.


In the medical university in Ahvaz students chant, "This is the last message - The target is the whole regime." It seems the slogan is a response to the IRGC commander who earlier the day issued what seemed to be a last warning to protesters that overwhelming force will be used if unrest does not stop by Sunday.


A large crowd of people in an spontaneous protest at a metro station in Tehran chanting "Khamenei is a murderer, his leadership is void".


Government's Basij plainclothes agents attack Tehran university student who were protesting at the main campus on Saturday.


IRGC's Basij elements enter Esfahan University campus and throw rocks at students who shelter in an enclosure. According to Iranian law, the military and police are not allowed into universities, which have their own campus security, but in the past few weeks this law has been broken numerous times.



Security forces fired at medical students in Kordestan province, badly injuring a student in the head. The video shows seconds after the shooting.


Medical students protesting the arrests in the morning on Saturday.


In the northern city of Babol protesting students cut their hair as a sign of protest against Islamic Republic's mandatory hijab and the death of Mahsa Amini in September.


Another video showing the size and the mood of the crowd in Arak.

Protesters in Arak are chanting, "For every person killed, a thousand will follow".


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