A woman has removed her headscarf during a protest, November 3, 2022

Coverage Of Nationwide Protests In Iran On Nov. 3

Thursday, 11/03/2022

From early morning Thursday [Nov. 3] turned out to be another phase of Iran protests with several memorial gatherings met with government violence and escalation.

The antigovernment uprising has entered the phase of people mourning those killed in September and October, with Iranians gathering to vent their anger on the 40th day of those killed by security forces.

According to tradition, the 7th and 40th days of people's death are solemn occasions to gather and commemorate their memory. When the departed are victims of injustice, the occasion becomes a more emotional one.

There were these sort of protests in almost ten cities daytime Thursday with more demonstrations expected in the evening.

This is what is taking place almost on daily basis in Iran. While security forces instead of standing aside and allowing these gatherings to turn into protests in cemeteries, they intervene, attack and arrest people, fire their guns and add to the tension.

During these clashes sometimes more people get killed and this fuels a new cycle of protests in the coming days and weeks.

On Thursday citizens of Karaj and Arak held rallies to honor the memory of Hadis Najafi and Mehrshad Shahidi, two young protesters killed by security forces 40 days ago and seven days ago, respectively.

They fired guns and arrested many young people, which will simply intensify the protests.

Below we offered live coverage of events in Iran on November 3. Our coverage ended at 02:00 hour Iran time


Confrontation in Fuladshahr in Esfahan Province. Two riot police seen on the ground, as they lost consciousness on Thursday.



In Rasht, northern Iran, protesters force the police to retreat through the streets.


Scattered protesters in Bijar, Kordestan province chanting "death to Khamenei" Thursday night.


Protests in the eastern Tehran district of Narmak. People chanting against Khamenei for "year of crimes".


Young protesters marching in central Tehran and chanting, "This year is the year of blood, Seyyed Ali will be gone," referring to Ali Khamenei.


Another scene from protests in Qazvin, Thursday night.


The evening, night time protests well underway in Tehran. Here is crowd in Saadat-Abad district of Tehran.


People set fire to a large banner of Qasem Soleimani in Qazvin Thursday night. Soleimani was killed in a drone attack in January 2020 in Baghdad ordered by former US President Donald Trump.


Security forces lined up in Tabriz ready to attack protesters.


Crowds are getting larger in the working class neighborhood of Naziabad in Tehran Thursday evening. In this video no security forces can be seen.

People beginning to congregate also in Tehran-Pars district.


For the first time in 43 years people in the city of Fasa, Fars Province, came out to protest Thursday evening.


In the evening, people in the streets of Bukan, western Iran chant "Death to the dictator."


A large crowd in Karaj, 20 miles west of Tehran, blocked a major highway during ceremonies honoring the memory of Hadis Najafi. Protesters were chanting, "This year is the year of blood, Seyyed Ali will be gone", referring to Iran's ruler Ali Khamenei.

After security forces fired at protesters, people set fire to a police van in Karaj.


A large crowd gathered in Esfahan on Thursday to commemorate the 40th day of Mahsa Mogui, a young protester killed in September. They were chanting, "I will the one who killed my sister."

In Fuladshahr, near Esfahan, security forces shot a woman in the head. Her children who were next to her are screaming in the video clip.


In Kermanshah, western Iran people commemorated the 40th day of Saeed Mohammadi killing by security forces. They chanted, "Death to the dictator".


In Qazvin thousands turned out to honor the memory of Javad Haydari. They were chanting, "IRGC, Basij goons, you are our ISIS", referring to the Sunni Muslim terror group.


The 40th day commemoration of a young man, Behnam Layeqpur, in Rasht, northern Iran. People repeating "Death to the dictator".


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