Senator Claire Chandler, Liberal member of Australia's Senate

Australian Senator Calls On Govt. To Act On Iran Regime Violence

Saturday, 11/05/2022

The Chairperson of Australian Senate Foreign Affairs Committee has urged the government and prime minister to take tangible actions on Iran regarding the violence against protesters.

Senator Claire Chandler told Iran International's correspondent in an exclusive interview that many countries are demanding action and imposing bans on Iran’s government, but the Australian cabinet has not yet taken any action.

Iran has been the scene of antigovernment protests since mid-September and the clerical regime has killed nearly 280 people.

“All Australians and particularly Australian women have been looking at what's been happening in Iran over the last few weeks particularly following the death of Mahsa Amini and really they are sympathizing with their plight and wanting to see some sort of action from Australia on the international stage,” added Senator Chandler.

She went on to say that many other countries are demanding action against the Iranian government, placing sanctions for the violence perpetrated against women and the broader Iranian population, but the Australian government has not yet taken any action.

“As in my capacity as the shadow Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs on behalf of the opposition, I've been calling for the government to act against the position that Iran has on the United Nations Commission on the status of women. But again, that call has gone unanswered,” Chandler told Iran International.

In the end, Chandler expressed solidarity with Iranians saying, “Even though Australia is on the other side of the world to Iran, we really sympathize with the plight of Iranian women who are also very brave in protesting.”

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