US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks to reporters on December 7, 2022

US VP Calls Courage Of Iranian Women 'Inspirational'

Thursday, 12/08/2022

US Vice President Kamala Harris has hailed the bravery of Iranian women calling their courage “inspirational.”

Referring to the Time magazine’s selection of Iranian Women as the heroes of the 2022, Harris said in a tweet, “I am inspired by the women of Iran and their bravery.”

She added that Washington will continue to work with the international community “to hold the Iranian regime accountable for its brutal crackdown on the Iranian people.”

The Time magazine on Wednesday crowned the women of Iran as heroes of the year 2022 for their role in leading popular protests against the Islamic Republic.

The US magazine described Iranian women as “educated, secular, liberal” who took to the streets after the death of the young Kurdish Mahsa Amini to say, “they have the freedom to say and wear anything.”

In the protests fueled by the death in custody of the 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, women have been on the forefront emphasizing their personal freedoms including the right to decide what to wear. Unlike most protests in the past few years that were triggered by economic hardship, this round of demonstrations is propelled more by a yearning for social freedoms.

Women, who were oppressed for 43 years following the Islamic Revolution, have become a symbol of human rights; longing for a normal life and vitality, which the Iranian people were robbed of for decades.

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