Iran's former queen Farah Pahlavi

Iran’s Exiled Queen Slams Execution Of Iranian Young Protester

Saturday, 12/10/2022

Iran’s exiled queen Farah Pahlavi has expressed sorrow over the execution of Iranian protester Mohsen Shekari asking the people to preserve their unity.

In a message on twitter on Friday she said “the bloodthirsty and youth-killing regime of the Islamic Republic took another young man's life in prison this time. Mohsen Shekari, was only 23 years old and like other young people had no wish but a dignified life, freedom, and prosperity for Iran.”

The former Iranian Queen also sympathized with the family and mother of Mohsen Shekari, saying “the regime tries to justify its crimes by broadcasting coerced confessions and false scenarios. I am confident that you will not be deceived by the old and failed tricks and will stand by the families of the victim.”

In another message on the International Human Rights Day, Farah Pahlavi, who lives in exile, once again urged the Iranian armed forces not to kill people.

“This year, the International Human Rights Day will be marked in a situation that the Iranian regime does not hesitate to commit any crime, even the killing of children and teenagers to remain in power,” reads the message.

Iran's exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi on Thursday also condemned the execution of Mohsen Shekari calling on the world leaders to expel regime ambassadors.

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