Mohsen Shekari, a 23-year-old Iranian protester hanged December 8, 2022

Australia, Canada, New Zealand Condemn Iran’s Execution Of Protesters

Friday, 12/16/2022

Foreign Ministers of Australia, Canada and New Zealand have released a joint statement to condemn the execution of protesters in Iran.

Penny Wong, Mélanie Joly and Nanaia Mahuta said in the statement Friday that a dark chapter in Iran’s recent history unfolds and “we are responding in defense of all of its citizens.”

The Iranian regime’s brutality against its own people, in particular its women and girls, is unrelenting, and the situation is only worsening, they said.

“Iran’s security forces persist with draconian methods to ruthlessly suppress peaceful protestors, including the use of lethal force and senseless violence against women and children. Hundreds have lost their lives and thousands languish in detention, among them an unknown number of children,” reads the statement.

The ministers said we are appalled by Iran's execution of protestors since December 8.

“Nothing can justify these shameful actions. We oppose the death penalty in all circumstances for all people, everywhere.”

They called on the regime to immediately establish a moratorium to halt all executions and to end this brutal and inhumane punishment.

“The Iranian regime’s violence must end, and there must be justice and accountability for the countless, egregious human rights violations committed since the outbreak of protests,” stressed the foreign ministers.

Iran has executed two prisoners on charges of injuring and killing security forces. Mohsen Shekari and Majidreza Rahnavard both were detained during anti-government protests following the death of Mahsa Amini in mid-September.

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