Iranian actress Katayoun Riahi

Iranian Artists Slam Sham Trial For Famous Actress

Thursday, 01/12/2023

Iranian Independent Filmmakers Association says the regime has held a sham trial for actress Katayoun Riahi, arrested in November, to obtain a forced confession.

Riahi’s trial session, a popular Iranian actress who had earlier removed her mandatory hijab to express solidarity with the anti-regime demonstrations, was held on Wednesday.

During the trial and being filmed she was pressured to confess to political crimes and apologize. Riahi, unable to bear the relentless psychological torment, passed out and was taken to hospital by ambulance.

The court session, which was held abruptly with a change of date and in front of several cameras, met with widespread criticism.

Adeleh Cheraghi, the spokesperson of the association, said that Katayoun Riahi was asked to apologize and express regret to the authorities of the Islamic Republic for removing the mandatory hijab, in the presence of the state media reporters, possibly to broadcast later. According to Cheraghi, she refused to do so.

Movie star, Hamid Farrokhnejad also slammed the move to obtain coerced confessions from the actress.

"You imagine a video of someone, who apologized to you under threats, is a proof of your righteousness! How miserable you are!” he wrote on his Instagram addressing the government.

"People have decided that you must go, and you will. This way you just make yourself more pathetic," he added.

Security agents also confiscated a large part of her belongings, including her laptop in October when she was not home.

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