Iran’s Attracted Only 0.1% Of Foreign Investment In 2022: UNCTAD

Saturday, 07/08/2023

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development says Iran's share of attracting foreign investment last year was only one tenth of a percent (one thousandth) of the world total.

According to this report, published June 5, Iran has managed to attract only 1.5 billion dollars of foreign direct investment in 2022.

In 2017, and after the lifting of international sanctions, Iran attracted more than five billion dollars in foreign direct investments, but in 2018, this was halved, and after that, the annual amount fluctuated around 1.5 billion dollars.

The United States imposed oil export and banking sanction on Iran in 2018, making a series of demands including a stronger agreement to restrict Tehran's nuclear and missile programs. Thes sanctions have triggered an economic crisis, driving annual inflation to 70 percent and reducing the value of Iran's currency 12-fold.

Among Iran's neighboring countries, the UAE has attracted the most foreign investment.

In total, the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf region have attracted about 37 billion dollars in foreign direct investment in 2022, of which the UAE's share is 60%. Last year, Turkey attracted $13 billion.

The United States attracted the highest amount of foreign direct investment in the world with $285 billion, followed by China, Singapore and Hong Kong.

The US is also at the top in terms of investment in foreign countries with 269 billion dollars.

Figures by the UNCTAD show that a total of 1.3 trillion dollars of direct investment was made last year, which is 12% less than in 2021. The reason for the drop was the decrease in investments by advanced countries abroad.

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