A session of the Iranian parliament

Iran's Ultraconservative Party Applauds Hamas' Attack On Israel

Wednesday, 10/11/2023

The ultraconservative Paydari (Steadfastness) party of Iran has hailed the terror attack on Israel as "a triumphant operation by the Palestinians."

The party first emerged in Iran during the presidency of populist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (2005-2013) but has continued to exert its influence on the political landscape throughout the tenures of Presidents Hassan Rouhani (2013-2021) and Ebrahim Raisi (2021 onward).

While the party's leadership remains somewhat opaque, its influence extends over both the parliament and in the presidential administration. Paydari frequently faces criticism for its role in many of the country's political, economic, and socio-cultural challenges, including hijab enforcement.

"The promised day and the eventual displacement of Israelis, along with the celebration of victory in Jerusalem, draw near," read Paydari's statement issued on Wednesday.

A significant number of cabinet members in President Raisi's administration, particularly within his economic team, are reportedly prominent figures in the Paydari party. Its association with Raisi became evident during his presidential election campaign, where key members such as former nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili played active roles. However, as is common in Iranian politics, it remains challenging to discern who is driving the agenda and who is following it.

On Wednesday, the Israeli death toll from Saturday's attack by Hamas exceeded 1,200. Meanwhile, desperation engulfed Gaza, where the aftermath of Tel Aviv's response to the brutal Hamas attack has left neighborhoods in ruins, homes without electricity, and hospitals running critically low on medical supplies.

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