Lawmaker Fereydoun Abbasi

Iranian Hardliner Advocates Weakening Israel For Enhanced Security

Wednesday, 10/11/2023

While the international community condemns Hamas' attack on Israel, a hardliner Iranian parliament member argues that weakening Israel will enhance Iran's security.

Fereydoun Abbasi, in a statement to local media on Wednesday, asserted, "The current moment demands a devastating blow against Israel, and we require an even stronger strike; this is currently a prelude to a final strike."

Abbasi is the former head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization.

He further suggested that Israel's involvement in its own issues will reduce hostile actions within Iran, adding, "If we look at our region, we can observe that all the disruptions are rooted in the policies of the Zionist regime, which sometimes benefits from American support, and these actions' adverse effects will undoubtedly affect other regional countries."

In the official Iranian regime terminology, Israel is referred to as "the Zionist entity" or the "Zionist regime."

Meanwhile, 97-year-old cleric Ahmad Jannati, the Secretary of the Guardian Council, characterized Hamas assault on Israel as a "victorious and promising operation," and said, "The operation has demonstrated that Israel is on a path to destruction, and any government aligning with it will become complicit in its demise."

Such remarks come as the death toll in the Israel-Hamas conflict continued to rise on the fifth day since the Palestinian militant group launched a large-scale. The brutal assault has resulted in over 1,200 deaths in Israel, among them at least 22 Americans. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared, "We are in a state of war."

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