Saless Publication store in Tehran’s Karim Khan Zand Boulevard

Iranian Publisher's Office Sealed Over Hijab Non-Compliance

Tuesday, 01/30/2024

Saless Publication, an Iranian publisher, has reported that its store has been sealed by a police order, citing "hijab issues" amid crackdowns on non-compliance.

The incident comes amidst a backdrop of heightened tensions following the uprising of the Iranian people in 2022. The Islamic Republic's repressive policies, particularly targeting various segments of society, notably women, have escalated. Businesses that resist compulsory hijab policies often find themselves facing repercussions from the judicial, police, and security authorities.

Numerous reports have emerged detailing the sealing of various commercial establishments, shops, hotels, and bookstores due to the refusal of owners, sellers, and customers to adhere to compulsory hijab regulations.

On December 22, the police sealed the central office of Book City in Tehran, citing "failure to comply with guild regulations and ministry of interior directives." Book City officials pointed to the "presence of unveiled customers" as the reason behind the sealing.

In response to ongoing dissent, the Iranian parliament, government, and judiciary have pushed forward with efforts to curtail opposition to compulsory hijab through the approval of the "Chastity and Hijab" bill. If ratified by the Guardian Council, this bill is expected to exacerbate repression against women in Iran.

Under the provisions of the bill, the Ministry of Intelligence, the Intelligence Organization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and the Intelligence Organization of the Police Command are mandated to "monitor organized crime and prevent the spread of the culture of nudity, indecency, unveiling, and improper dressing in the country."

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