Iranian weapons smuggled into the West Bank captured by Israeli forces, in a handout image published March 25, 2024. (Shin Bet)

Israel Thwarts Iranian Weapons Smuggling Operation To West Bank Terror Cells

Monday, 03/25/2024

The Israeli security agency, Shin Bet, has foiled an attempt to smuggle Iranian weapons to terrorists in the West Bank.

The Shin Bet and Israel Defence Forces managed to intercept a “significant” cache of arms smuggled by Iran into the West Bank including fragmentation bombs, anti-tank mines, grenade launchers, explosives, shoulder-launched missiles, assault rifles, and handguns.

According to Shin Bet, the operation was orchestrated by Iran's Special Operations Division, Unit 4000, led by Jawad Ghafari, in collaboration with Unit 18840 of the IRGC's Quds Force, under the command of Asghar Bakri.

The plot came to light during interrogations of detained Palestinians suspected of terrorist activities. Shin Bet revealed the involvement of Munir Makdah, a senior Fatah official based in Lebanon's Ein el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp, describing him as a long-standing collaborator with Hezbollah and the IRGC.

During investigations, it emerged that Makdah had been recruiting Palestinians in the West Bank for terror operations, including smuggling Iranian weapons and providing financial support.

Iran has long backed militant groups in Palestine amid its shadow war against its arch-enemy, Israel. Hamas has a significant presence in the West Bank in addition to groups such as Lion’s Den.

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