The head of the Iranian Nursing Organization announced that three nurses died last month due to Karoshi syndrome, or "death from overwork."

The nurses reportedly died "in their sleep," highlighting the severe conditions under which healthcare professionals operate in Iran.

Speaking to Etemad newspaper, Mohammad Sharifi Moghadam described the dire state of hospital environments in Iran, which have left many nurses "tired, unmotivated, and burnt out."

He outlined the challenges facing the nursing staff, including “shortage of personnel, overwhelming workloads, precarious job security, and wages insufficient to maintain a basic standard of living.” Such conditions not only harm the physical health of nurses but also disrupt their work-life balance.

The crisis has pushed nurses, particularly men, to undertake additional shifts in the evenings, compounding their exhaustion and the risk of serious health issues. The overburden is partly blamed for an alarming rise in reported suicides among the nursing community, attributed to the unrelenting pressure faced in healthcare facilities.

Despite the critical role they play, the nurse-to-population ratio in Iran stands at a mere two per thousand people, as noted by the World Bank.

The shortage is exacerbated by the harsh working conditions and poor compensation, prompting a massive exodus of nurses from the country.

Healthcare workers earn as little as $200 to $300 a month.

Sharifi Moghadam disclosed in November that around 3,000 nurses migrate annually, a trend that has left hospitals understaffed and patients at risk.

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