Assadollah Badamchian, the Secretary-general of the Islamic Coalition Party of Iran

Insider Politician Lays Out Criteria for Next Iranian President

Saturday, 06/01/2024

Asadollah Badamchian, the secretary-general of the Islamic Coalition Party and an insider, has openly stated the need for a presidential candidate who can reassure Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei about the future.

Speaking about the upcoming elections, Badamchian expressed, "The next president must be someone who can put Khamenei at ease."

The sudden death of former President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash on May 19 has triggered a snap election in Iran, scheduled for June 28.

Badamchian, a hardline Islamist politician with a history deeply embedded in Iran’s political fabric, emphasized that the ideal candidate must adeptly represent the revolutionary values and speak fluently on issues concerning the ruling regime and the nation.

"We need someone who, wherever he goes, knows how to speak on behalf of the revolution, the regime, and the nation," he added.

Having served two terms in parliament, his comments reflect the Islamic Republic's ongoing strategy to ensure that leadership remains aligned with Khamenei’s vision, amid growing domestic and international challenges. 

So far, 12 individuals have registered for the presidential race, including former Speaker Ali Larijani and ultra-conservative Saeed Jalili. Their eligibility to officially compete in the elections will be determined after the approval of the Guardian Council, an unelected body made up of appointees loyal to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei

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